Yamada, T., Ikeda, A., Murata, D., Wang, H., Zhang, C., Khare, P., Adachi, Y., Ito, F., Quirós, P. M., Blackshaw, S., López-Otín, C., Langer, T., Chan, D. C., Dawson, V. L., Dawson, T. M., Le, A., Iijima, M., Sesaki, H. (2025)
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Otomo, K., Omura, T., Nozawa, Y., Edwards, S. J., Sato, Y., Saito, Y., Yagishita, S., Uchida, H., Watakabe, Y., Naitou, K., Yanai, R., Sahara, N., Takagi, S., Katayama, R., Iwata, Y., Shiokawa, T., Hayakawa, Y., Otsuka, K., Watanabe-Takano, H., Haneda, Y., Fukuhara, S., Fujiwara, M., Nii, T., Meno, C., Takeshita, N., Yashiro, K., Rosales, Rocabado J.M., Kaku, M., Yamada, T., Oishi, Y., Koike, H., Cheng, Y., Sekine, K., Koga, J. I., Sugiyama, K., Kimura, K., Karube, F., Kim, H., Manabe, I., Nemoto, T., Tainaka, K., Hamada, A., Brismar, H., Susaki, E. A. (2024)
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Before 2023…
Yamada, T., Murata, D., Kleiner, D., Anders, R., Rosenberg, A., Kaplan, J., Hamilton, J. P., Aghajan, M., Levi, M., Wang, N. Y., Powers, A. F., Iijima, M. and Sesaki, H (2022)
Prevention and Regression of Megamitochondria and Steatosis by Blocking Mitochondrial Fusion.
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Murata, D., Yamada, T., Tokuyama, T., Arai, K., López-Otín, C., Iijima, M. and Sesaki, H. (2020)
Mitochondrial Safeguard Offsets Extreme Fusion and Protects Respiratory Function via Flickering-induced Oma1 Activation.
EMBO J. 39: e105074
Zhou, Z., Torres, M., Sha, H., Halbrook, J. C., Van den Bergh, F., Reinert, B. R., Yamada, T., Wang, S., Luo, Y., Hunter, H. A., Wang, C., Sanderson, H. T., Liu, M., Taylor, A., Sesaki, H., Lyssiotis, A. C., Wu, J., Kersten, S., Beard, A. D., and Qi, L. (2020)
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Yamada, T., Dawson T. M., Yanagawa, T., Iijima, M., and Sesaki, H. (2019)
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Itoh, K., Murata, D., Kato, T., Yamada, T., Araki, Y., Saito, A., Adachi, Y., Igarashi, A., Li, S., Pletonikov, M., Huganir R.L., Watanabe, S., Kamiya, A., Iijima, M. and Sesaki, H. (2019)
Brain-Specific Drp1 Regulates Postsynaptic Endocytosis and Dendrite Formation Independently of Mitochondrial Division.
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Yamada, T., Murata, D., Adachi, Y., Itoh, K., Kameoka, S., Igarashi, A., Kato, T., Araki, Y., Huganir R. L., Dawson, T. M., Yanagawa, T., Okamoto, K., Iijima, M. and Sesaki, H. (2018)
Mitochondrial Stasis Reveals p62-Mediated Ubiquitination in Parkin-Independent Mitophagy and Mitigates Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
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Itoh, K., Adachi, Y., Yamada, T., Suzuki, T.L., Otomo, T., McBride, H.M., Yoshimori, T., Iijima, M. and Sesaki, H. (2018)
A Brain-enriched Drp1 Isoform Associates with Lysosomes, Late Endosomes and the Plasma Membrane.
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Yamada, T., Adachi, Y., Yanagawa, T., Iijima, M. and Sesaki H. (2018)
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Yamada, T., Adachi, Y., Fukaya, M., Iijima, M. and Sesaki, H. (2016)
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Yamada, T., Adachi, Y., Iijima, M. and Sesaki, H. (2016)
Making a Division Apparatus on Mitochondria.
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